Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Simple Truth

We are all born with certain gifts, and it is up to us to discover what they are, and how to use them. For some, it may take a good portion of their mortal lives to find God and discover these gifts. Once we discover these gifts, we must make the decision to use them either to do good, or evil. If you ignore them, or misuse them in any way, you run the risk of losing them altogether. If you turn to the light and thereby do God’s work, these gifts become stronger. If you give in to the darkness, you run the risk of losing them completely and pay the price. The price you pay can be anything from losing all you possess to losing your life.

There are those who are born with the innate knowledge that they are destined to serve God in one way or another. Then there are those of us who come to the realization gradually, through much trial and error. For those who choose to do God’s work, life is anything but simple. Those of us that find our way to God as adults seem to spend a lot of time asking, “Why me?” Well, why not you? After all, we are all God’s children, and he loves each of us. We are all special in our own way and bring to Him a variety of talents.
You may be thinking that you do not have anything special to offer God. On the other hand, you might be thinking, “I’ve done things in my life that I am ashamed of. I’m not good enough to do God’s work.” None of this is true, as I have found out. After all, He picked me to bestow His wonderful gifts upon. I had not lived my life as a saint; in fact, I hardly ever went to church or, at the time only read my Bible. I asked God why He chose me, as I did not feel worthy to receive His gifts. He told me that I may have not lived sin free, but I had plenty of faith and my heart was full of love and compassion. This is how I know that God judges you by your heart, not just your actions. It took me a long time to understand this simple truth. Maybe the fact that it is so simple makes it easy to overlook. We mortals always seem to make things more complicated than they have to be.

I know a man who had the ability to communicate with his guides, and then turned his back on them and God. He tried to use his guides to spy on and try to influence people. He would ask them to go to his ex-wife, wherever she was, come back, and let him know what she was doing. He would use them to make her think constantly of him and make her call him. He would tell her that he could make her think of him whenever he wanted. She became fearful and refused to have any more contact with him. From that point on his guides refused to do what he asked, so he turned his back on them. He told his guides that he did not need them or God in his life. After that, he seemed to spiral out of control, drinking heavily, doing drugs. The gift that he had received from God no longer worked; he could no longer hear his guides. He lost his home, his vehicle, and found out he owed over one hundred and fifty thousand in back taxes. To this day, he has not figured out why all of these things have happened to him! He simply was and is too stubborn to admit his so-called bad luck is his own fault for shutting God out.

As you can see, turning away from the light can lead to all kinds of complications and problems in your life. I am not saying that you must be a “devout Christian,” but rather live your life in the spirit of the light. By that, I mean that if you do good, help others, never hurt anyone on purpose, and keep God in your heart, then you are walking in the spirit of the light. You do not have to have any gifts to serve God in your own way. You do not have to do anything huge; you would be surprised at how much good you can do by simply listening to someone who has no one to talk with. Just listening to them, or giving them a shoulder to cry on when they need it, can change a person’s life. It is the small things you do that can enable a person to make it through the rough spot in their life. It may be that you give them comfort or a helping hand in their time of need. Stop and think about it; how many times have you gone out of your way to spend that extra few minutes just listening to someone talk things through? How many times have you sat up until the wee hours of the morning to be with someone who is hurting? These are the little things that may not mean a lot to you, but will make a difference in someone else’s life.

taken from my book: A Mediums Guide to the Paranormal
to read more on this subject and other subjects on my blog
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