Thursday, January 12, 2017

New book website- my new website is up and running for the new book series Demon Seekers. Here you can read excerpt from the new series, order my books and contact me.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

                      Here are my Paranormal books which are available on

I have started a new series entitled Demon Seekers. I hope to release the first in a series of 8 books in spring 2017. Here is an excerpt from the upcoming book:

Chapter 1

The Arrival


It seemed to Gabe that the night was unusually quiet, he had never felt an evening quite like this. It was as if the world were waiting for some great event to occur. Automatically he slowed his car down as if something were telling him to be careful. He drove for another quarter of a mile until he saw a large imposing silhouette against the night sky. His eyes strained to make out details of what was left of the structure. By the outline of the architecture he could tell that it was a church at one time and it may have been Presbyterian. It looked like it had been abandoned long ago. He found an overgrown driveway that seemed to lead straight towards the church. Pulling carefully off of the road he turned his SUV down the driveway.

The driveway stretched on for about half a mile, then suddenly the ruins of the church appeared before him. Pulling up as close as he could to the church he turned off the car and sat for a moment just staring at what was left of it. He had the oddest feeling, as if he were always meant to be here. He could hear the crickets playing their music and an owl hooting nearby. It was the perfect summer evening, clear and warm.

All of his life he had been having dreams of this particular church. The dream is what got him interested in the paranormal which in turn led him to become an avid writer of paranormal mysteries. Ever since he could remember he had had paranormal experiences. He had joined a local paranormal investigative group when he first bought his ranch ten years ago. During the last ten years, he had seen more types of entities than most investigators in twenty years. The other members of his paranormal group called him a ghost magnet.

 He never knew the name of the church but the dream was always the same. In the dream, he was standing facing the ruins of the church. But he didn’t look like a human, instead he was an angel with pure white wings and a golden countenance.

Another much larger angel appeared to him. The angel pointed towards what was left of the door and said “Enter, your journey has just begun and your guide awaits you.” He got the impression that it was important for him to go inside. The dream always ended the same way, with his pushing open the heavy wooden door.

He had spent most of his adult life looking for the church in his dream. He had learned from his research that the church in his dream was Presbyterian because of its architecture. They all seemed to have high formidable looking spires. He spent hours on the internet investigating every possible lead on abandoned churches. Now that he was here looking at the building he knew it was the one from his dreams. Glancing at his watch he was surprised to see that it had only taken him an hour and a half to get here.

Taking a deep breath, he grabbed his flashlight and the bag of supplies he always used for paranormal investigating. Turning on the flashlight he made his way to the large imposing wooden doors at the top of the steps. He examined the structure and condition of the door to make sure that it hadn’t rotted and was stable enough to be opened. Finding very little in the way of wood rot he checked the rot iron hinges and pull handles. They seemed to be only a little rusty, nothing more. Just as he was just reaching out his hand to grab the door handle it started to slowly open.

 Having investigated the paranormal for several years he was accustomed to the unexplained but usually it was proceeded by a cold spot, sound, smell or sense of dread. This time there was nothing. He couldn’t shake the feeling that something important was about to happen. Calming his mind and opening his senses he reached out to see if he could get an awareness of whatever had opened the door. It was then that he noticed the night had gone strangely silent.

 Holding very still he listened for any kind of noise or movement around him. The wind that just a few moments ago, had been rustling through the trees had stopped. The crickets and owl he heard while sitting in the car were silent. If he didn’t know any better, he could swear he was caught in a single moment in time.

Just as the thought occurred to him he dismissed it as fantasy. Looking down at his watch he was shocked to find that the sweeping second hand had stopped. He tapped the face of the watch thinking maybe the second hand was just stuck. It was then he noticed the time on his watch was exactly the same as it had been when he arrived. He had heard of people experiencing time loss during investigations, but he had never heard of time actually stopping. He felt a jolt of fear shoot through his body. A sudden chill encompassed his body and the hairs on his arms and the back of his neck were standing on edge. He knew with every fiber of his being that there was something waiting inside for him. Just what it was he couldn’t say for sure, but he was praying it wasn’t something negative.

Taking a deep breath, he slowly pushed the door the rest of the way open. Stepping into the building he noticed that same sense of timelessness he had experienced outside. The inside of the church was completely empty. Plants had begun to creep through the stone cracks in the floor and walls. He could only surmise that the wooden pews that used to fill the room were removed long ago. His footsteps echoed eerily as he made his way towards what use to be the pulpit. He sat down his bag on the stone altar.

Opening up the bag he pulled out his EMF (electromagnetic frequency) detector, camcorder, digital recorder and headphones. He set the camera on the alter and positioned it so it covered the entire room. He plugged his headphones into the recorder and turned it on. Turning on the EMF detector he sat it next to his bag. Stepping down from altar he made his way to the center of the room. He stood there for a several minutes but the only sound he could hear was the sound of his own heartbeat. He was about to give up when the air around him changed dramatically. He froze straining to see or hear anything, anything at all.


  Then he heard it a soft whisper of a voice through the recorder say, “She’s coming.”

“Who’s coming?” He wondered.

“She’s coming, she’s coming, you’ll see!” Another voice responded.

He heard a male voice say, “She’s coming, learn well.”

“Who’s coming and what am I supposed to learn?” he asked out loud. “Why won’t you tell me whose coming?” he paused waiting for a reply

“The warrior is coming and the journey begins.” Whispered a voice in his ear that sent shivers down his spine. “Your destiny is revealed.”

Saturday, January 3, 2015

My New Book Is Out

My new Book is finally out! The second in the Paranormal Encounters books series.

Paranormal Encounters Book 2 is now available on and

These are stories of my real life paranormal encounters with demons, spirits, angels and reluctant souls. Some of the stories include: House of Mystery, Michael’s Special Appearance, demonic attachment and ghostly vortex.

Paranormal Encounters Book 2

Friday, December 19, 2014

Animals and the Paranormal

Animals are closer to God than any other creature, even man. They are born without sin, and spend their lives without committing sin; therefore they are closer to God. Animals instinctively know that when they die they will return to God’s kingdom. Animals are sentient creatures; they have feelings and desires just as we do. Did you know in veterinary school they used to teach the students that animals do not feel pain as we do? What a bunch of garbage they were teaching; these animals feel pain just as we do. Animals feel pain and loss just the way we do. They may not be able to express it as we do, but that does not mean they do not experience it! They have souls and a purpose in this world. Who are we to say they are the lower species? In a lot of ways, they are more human than we are.
You may be saying to yourself, it cannot be true that animals are closer to God than we are. Jesus says in the Bible how much more are we to God than the birds of the air. It is not that we are not his favorites, we are. It is that animals can see so much more than we can. Their capacity for forgiveness and unconditional love is greater than ours. They are not blinded by preconceived beliefs nor are they swayed by social pressure. They see beyond our normal scope of senses and vision to the other planes of existence. They have the ability to see ghosts, angels, and spirits. They can sense the presence of evil. They will not go into a room or a house, if they can help it, where there is anything of a negative nature present. They can also sense the feeling and intent of a person. If we had this ability, it would certainly save us from heading straight into the fire so to speak.
Most humans are clueless when it comes to animals. It is not only their physical but their spiritual and emotional needs that seem to elude most of us.Animals judge you by the energy you present; you cannot hide your true face from an animal; bad energy is just bad energy no matter how prettily it is packaged. The energy is the same no matter what shape you take on the physical plane. Animals were put on this earth to work alongside us, be our companions, and some to give sustenance to the physical body. We must learn to honor all animals and, in doing so, honor ourselves.
This is an excerpt from my book A Mediums Guide to the Paranormal  available on and

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Few people know that a couple of years ago I wrote a children's Christmas book: Petal's Golden Wings. you can find it at it has 5 star reviews. Here is the link:


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Shadow People

Is there such thing as an entity known as a shadow person? Were they once living breathing people or are they something darker, more sinister? Where do they come from and why are they here? Can they hurt us, and if so why would they want to? Why is it that most people don’t seem to know where they come from? How do they enter our world? Why do they appear in certain places and not in others?
Shadow people do exist, just ask anyone who has had an encounter with one of them. They’re linked to Lucifer, but each one is an independent entity. They maintain an active link to the darkone in much the same way as the angels maintain their link to God. They’re a type of dark minion and like so many creatures of darkness, they thrive on negative emotions. What separates them from other negatives is they not only feed off the negative emotions but also the very life force of a person or an animal.
The appearance of these creatures for the most part doesn’t vary. One thing remains constant they are always solid black. They can change their shape from human like form to a black fog, mist, blob or any kind of dark creature. People have reported seeing shadow people with grotesque mask like features. Others report seeing two large red eyes staring at them from a black form. These creatures can read your inner fears and they will appear to you in a form that will elicit the most fear from you.
Their sole aim is to collect souls, cause pain, suffering and devastation to the living as well as earthbound spirits. I know from personal encounters that they are extremely dangerous to any living being whether they are human or animal. The entity usually appears at night and sucks the energy from a being over a long period of time. They do this to sustain themselves and to prolong the suffering of the living. The person or animal will experience, nightmares, restless or fitful sleep and a noticeable drain in energy. The victim may become depressed and in some cases even suicidal. These creatures have been known to strangle, suffocate, choke, stress a person’s heart and even cause the death of a person or animal. Children, animals, elderly, mentally unstable and the infirmed are particularly vulnerable to these negatives. If you have any animals in your home you will either need to keep them somewhere else or close by your side every moment of every day. If you don’t they will become unwilling victims of these creatures. They will kill and torture them just for fun.
They can and will project images into your mind and make you see things that do not exist. They can also appear as something harmless, but most of the time they do not bother covering up what they are. They know what you fear and try to use these weaknesses to their advantage. To show fear or lose faith is to invite an attack or worse.
Shadow creatures do not usually travel in pairs or groups as demons do. They are solitary creatures preferring to have their own territories to themselves. It is unusual for there to be more than one in a location. When you do find more than one it is time to have a whole house exorcism performed. A cleansing will not get rid of these beings; it will only make them angry.
To remove these creatures you will have to call on a clergy, medium or a demonologist. Sometimes in extreme cases it may take a higher power such as an archangel or Jesus.
The medium or demonologist, must be a person with strong faith, strength of will and absolute belief in what they are doing. This should never be attempted by anyone who has not been trained. A protective barrier should always be placed around you before you attempt facing the shadow person. Shadow creatures can sense your fear or your lack of faith. Don’t think you can catch these creatures unaware. They know you are coming even before you know. They will always try to shake your faith in yourself and in God. Even if they know you are strong enough to defeat them, they will still try to frighten and intimidate you. They do not give up easily and neither should the person doing the removal.
If a house exorcism is done by a demonologist or a medium and fails, you must then find a clergyman who is willing to do the exorcism. These are harder to find, it is a specialty that not all clergy men are trained or willing to do. The Catholic Church has priests specifically trained in the art of exorcism. Every priest, reverend, shaman, and pastor gets basic instruction in how to perform an exorcism.